Friday 18 February 2011

Thank crunchie it's Friday

Been a busy day today - a lot of talking and on my feet.  The day started really well, I was visited by Tizzy Faerie who brought me some beautiful yellow roses, which now take pride of place on the table in our lounge.  It was and is always a lovely way to start my day.   I also met a really interesting woman today who was just visiting the health shop.  She was from the west midlands - 'just visiting'.  Maybe not, maybe sent there to meet each other.

We started talking about Jan De Vries Body Energy book and the hand positions, chakra points and she told me she had a clinic and did a form of therapy called, Bio Danza.  The dance of Life.  It looks and sounds amazing and something that really I'm attracted to.  Reconnecting with the body and taking the head out of the equation.  I could do with some of that.  I'm often in my head space and hold on to feelings in my body, which is why I always struggle with my weight.  (There's obviously so much more than this one feeble sentence).  She's going to be running a workshop soon which I'm quite tempted to attend, so let's see how that transpires.

I also had an email about becoming an EFT practitioner (emotional freedom technique).  Now I am normally the Julia who loves these kind of things and it's a great offer, with a £150 reduction for level 1 and level 2.  I have spent a short while doing EFT personally and with family/friends and I can really see its benefits and wonders, more so than psychotherapy and counselling.  (which is where my background started in the health field, as a counsellor).  I wonder and contemplate whether this is something I need for myself right now.  Do I really just want to focus on my writing my 2nd book, as well as my Mixed Media Art.  Do I need EFT? Do I know enough?  Do I want to practice professionally or can I just be and continue with what I know?  Is it necessary to do it?  What's the purpose?

Anyhoo, to the right (above) is a sketch that I did when I was in France, it reminds me of a time there, where I spent 5 months and the sketching frenzy I had.  I'm always sketching and colouring in and this is where my heart lies.  My mum says it's what I used to do the most of when I was 8 years old.

8 years old - always a good indication of what makes your heart sing in life.

Have a warm and gorgeous night
Jules x


  1. As you know I couldn't imagine doing just one thing all the time. I say do what makes you happy and if it feels right in your tummy and you've got the energy to do it then it's the right thing to do. The Bio Danza has me interested too, really interested. Would love to hear more about this
    Love and Light

  2. Hi - I was interested to read about Bio Danza - whereabouts would she be holding a workshop?


  3. Yes, Tizzy, this is what I think too. I will go with what feels right. The Lady is going to email me with info about Bio Danza, it really appealed to my heart. I'll let you both know when I hear something. x

  4. Ps I think it will be in the west midlands, but she said she was trying to set something up in Longrigdge area x

  5. Not so long ago I read a book called The Witch Of Portobello and there was a type of spiritual dancing going on in this. It was a good book and if anyone's interested it was by Paulo Coellho.

  6. Ooh black and grey fish, I like them


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